QPS and its partner companies provided Argyll Energy with high quality manufacturing and commissioning services and the partnership has the capacity to recondition services to improve the continuous running and cost efficiency of the plant equipment. Argyll Energy and QPS off er a full cradle to cradle service for their new generation of ePower Plants.
This partnership will take clients from start to finish, commencing with a Feasibility Study and then to the design, build and delivery of fully commissioned and operational ePower Plants.

Argyll Energy is collaborating with other organisations to establish best practice, develop new technologies and participate in R&D. Weibold in conversion of waste to new products and green energy. Terramanzi Group, South Africa Greening the Building Economy and The Climate Neutral Group, The Netherlands on achieving Carbon Neutrality and VERRA in establishing credible carbon credits.
By using Verra’s Voluntary Carbon Standard Programme to create carbon credits, this will enable Argyll Energy the income generating opportunity to offer these credits as off sets.