Argyll specialises in Energy Performance Certification, BREEAM Assessment, Carbon Management and Renewable Energy. The company is approved by BRE Global as an EPC Certified Assessor for the non domestic sector. Argyll is a leading EPC provider for property types including listed buildings, offices, warehouses, specialised laboratories, energy and technology parks covering certification levels 3s, 4s and 5s.BREEAM is the leading and most widely used environmental assessment method for buildings and sets the best practice in sustainable design and has become the defacto measure used to describe a building’s environmental performance. Argyll is BREEAM certified for retail, industrial, offices and bespoke and is currently working on BREEAM certification for industrial and office contracts, enterprise parks and has completed an advanced technology manufacturing centre. EPC and BREEAM certification is fully supported by a capability in Dynamic Simulation Modelling.
BREEAM Assessment
BREEAM provides clients, developers, designers and others with market recognition for low environmental impact buildings; assurance that best environmental practice is incorporated into a building; inspiration to find innovative solutions that minimise the environment impact; a benchmark; a tool to help reduce running costs, improve working and living conditions; and a standard that demonstrates progress towards corporate and organisational environmental objectives.
BREEAM Covers a number of building types - offices: retail; education; prisons; courts; healthcare; industrial and certain types of eco-homes.
A BREEAM rating of pass, good, very good, excellent and outstanding will be awarded. Clients can receive a BREEAM rating for development sites, industrial estates, buildings in use, major refurbishment, extensions and new builds.
The BREEAM assessor will ensure the minimum standard requirements for a BREEAM assessment are a prerequisite and are put in place with agreement from the design and build team the outset. The 10 BREEAM environment sightings are incorporated at every stage to ensure the optimum BREEAM rating achievable. The 10 BREEAM categories are:
• Management
• Energy
• Water
• Land use & ecology
• Health & well being
• Transport
• Materials
• Waste
• Pollution
• Innovation
The assessment comprises two key stages, design stage and post construction stage; this allows for additional time to sufficiently influence the appointed design and build time to achieve as high a rating as is practicable. Argyll Manages the assessment at each of these stages.
Argyll follows the BRE model of practice for energy performance certification and BREEAM assessments which ensures the client achieve tailored energy efficiency recommendations and optimum BREEAM ratings.
Argyll’s clients are from the public sector including Scottish Government, locally and nationally; and private sector workplace design companies, facility management and property agents, LLPs and law firms and individual owners and investment groups.
Argyll strives to provide tailored BREEAM guidance to out clients, which helps to ensure that their assessment achieves the highest possible rating, to meet their individual requirements and timescales whilst maintaining practical financial viability.
A full BREEAM package from appointment of Ecologist and BREEAM assessor, thermal modelling / daylight calculations / EPC, the BREEAM rating and the arrangement of BREEAM registration for both the design and post construction stages is offered by Argyll. Argyll is pleased to provide a full service in the area.
As a result of achieving an international environmental and sustainable standard, the managing agents and the landlord would have an extremely saleable, energy efficient property with significant added value and the tenant could align the BREEAM rating with their CSR and PR policy and could benefit from reduced operational costs.
Argyll underpins its belief in sustainable development and environmental responsibility and operates all business to its ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditation for quality and environment procedures.
We will be pleased to hear from you to assist you in your drive to a sustainable economy.